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(iFUTURE 2024)

16th August 2024 (Friday)

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and our inspiring young leaders

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Salam sejahtera
Salam Malaysia Madani And a very good evening

YAB Perdana Menteri, Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan

1. Pertama sekali izinkan saya mengalu-alukan YAB Perdana Menteri ke Sidang Kemuncak Pemimpin Muda Masa Hadapan Antarabangsa atau (International Young Future Leaders Summit (iFUTURE) 2024.

2. Bagi pihak KPT, saya juga mengalu-alukan pemimpin-pemimpin muda daripada 47 buah negara dan pemimpin muda Malaysia yang berhimpun selama 3 hari bagi mengadakan pertemuan yang akan membentuk pemimpin masa depan negara dan dunia.

3. Ini adalah program yang julung kalinya diadakan dalam negara kita ketika mana Malaysia melakar perjalanan baru dalam menterjemahkan Wawasan Malaysia Madani di bawah kepimpinan YAB Perdana Menteri yang terangkum di dalamnya melahirkan kepimpinan peringkat global yang berasaskan kepada nilai-nilai baik, moral dan ihsan.

Inspiring Young Leaders,

4. It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome all of you to the International Young Future Leaders Summit (iFUTURE) 2024. On behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education and the organizing committee, I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each one of you.

5. Tonight, we gather here with one common purpose: to empower, inspire, and equip the young leaders of today and tomorrow. This summit is a unique platform where emerging leaders from around the world come together to share their visions, learn from each other, and collaborate on shaping a better future. Your presence here today signifies a commitment to leadership, innovation, and positive change

6. Throughout the summit, you will have the opportunity to engage in thought- provoking discussions, participate in interactive workshops, and network with peers and leaders from diverse backgrounds. I encourage you to make the most of these opportunities. Engage deeply, ask questions, share your insights, and build connections that will last beyond this summit.

7. As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that the future is in our hands. The ideas and actions we cultivate here will shape the world we live in. I am confident that each one of you has the potential to make a significant impact and drive positive change in your communities and beyond.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

8. Tonight, we are incredibly fortunate to have our esteemed guest, Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, with us to share his invaluable insights and experiences with our young leaders.

9. Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim has long been a beacon of resilience and reform in Malaysian politics. In his early days, he emerged as one of the country's most dynamic young leaders, championing causes that resonated with the youth and advocating for progressive change. His early leadership and activism laid a strong foundation for his enduring commitment to justice, democracy, and youth empowerment.

10. We are at a pivotal moment in history. The challenges we face—climate change, inequality, technological disruption, and social justice—are complex and global in scope. But these challenges are not insurmountable. They are, in fact, opportunities for those who dare to dream and are willing to act.

11. You, the young leaders of today, are not just the leaders of tomorrow - you forge here will echo far beyond these walls, impacting communities, industries, and societies around the world.

12. Before I conclude, it is indeed a great pleasure to see young minds around the globe come together under one roof with a fresh perspective and fearlessness the world needs now. Your positiveness and energy may bring the changes and make a difference in the global fight to end poverty, reduce inequality and save our planet - the Sustainable Development Goals. And your impact is especially great in the Asia – Pacific region, which is home to almost 60 percent of young people worldwide. Your vision, creativity and hard work matters for our future. I firmly believe your generation will generate the course of history.

13. I wish all of you and this Summit every success. Have fun and inspire us. Once again, welcome to the International Young Future Leaders Summit (iFUTURE) 2024.

Thank you.

Muat Turun:

  pdf Speech YBM – Launching Ceremony International Young Future Leaders Summit 2024 (iFUTURE 2024) (190 KB)

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