Contact Us

Contact information for the convenience of the public and agencies to obtain official information, inquiries, complaints and locations.
Address and Location
The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) building located in Precinct 5 Putrajaya can be reached by public transport such as taxis and buses. Public parking facilities are also provided in front of the ministry building. The counter in the lobby operates during office hours and visitors are required to register in the guard lobby.
  • Ministry of Higher Education
    No. 2, Tower 2,
    Jalan P5/6, Precinct 5,
    62200 Putrajaya, Malaysia
  • +603 8000 8000 (MyGCC)
  • +603 8000 8001 (MyGCC)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Last Modified: Friday 26 July 2024, 03:15:30.
