Your Voice Activity





Graduate Idea Challenge Competition through the GREaT Portal

Click Here:

16 December 2020 – Still Active  

E-SULAM INNOVATE 2021 Competition

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22 Jun 2021 – Still Active

Questionnaire for a study on Understanding Work Stress Among Civil Servants in the Federal Public Sector of Malaysia: Leadership, Team Conflict and Personality as Determinants.

Click Here:

19-31 March 2021  

Online Voting for MOHE Staff to choose a new MOHE slogan

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23 March 2021 - Still Active  

Questionnaire and feedback on the design and layout of the New Portal of the Ministry of Higher Education

Click Here:

 11-15 May 2021

Social Media Campaigns: #pendidikanXmerdeka

pdf (1.21 MB) pdf Panduan Kempen #MerdekaXPendidikan (1.04 MB)

20 August - 18 September 2016


Questionnaire: The Proposed Amendments of The Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996 (Act 555)

20 July - 19 August 2016


Census: Information on the Official Portal of MOHE

3 June - 15 July 2016


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